Tuesday, June 22, 2010

pennys make dollars. and dollars make millions.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream. In my dream, I was given a gift package. This package contained many (and I mean MANY) envelopes of different sizes. On each envelope was an explanation of when to use it. One envelope read "Change found in the car". Another one said "Change for a rainy day". There were little ones to put in the bathroom, ones to put in my room, one for my car, and so on. There were even 5 little ones for my children. There were also a couple of gift bags in the gift package. There were only 3, and they were very beautiful and unique, with many colors and ribbons.

I share this dream because I believe the Lord gave it to me to reveal the wisdom of the "small things". When we see penny's in our car, or in the street, we overlook them and don't take the time to pick them up, because we consider them as worthless. However, the truth is that they do have worth. If you save 100 pennies, you can buy a pop and some candy. It adds up. And penny's are everywhere! Under the couch, in the cushions of your car, behind the stove... the most random places.

We all love when the Lord speaks so clearly to us, and we get the tingles when we worship and pray. But then there comes a season, days, weeks, and even longer periods of time where we don't feel as much or see fruit of our labors. We pray, but we don't get a response. We read the word, but it feels only like a children's story that doesn't stir life and fire in our hearts. And we wonder if our pursuit is all in vain.

The Lord has been showing me how precious these seasons are to him. The season where he gives us the opportunity to believe his promises when we don't see him. We are given the opportunity to be blessed-

"BLESSED are those who have not seen and YET BELIEVE" Jn. 20:29

"Each choice he records; each glance He remembers. And one very real day in our future, He will open up the book of remembrance and remind us of each one. He will say, 'Do you remember this time? You were so discouraged, so disheartened, so desperate. Yet you chose ONCE AGAIN to believe in Me and receive My love. You said, 'Yes,' to Me though you could neither FEEL nor SEE me." -Deep unto Deep

The father who sees in secret will reward us OPenly!!!

Galatians 6:8 "Soon we shall reap a harvest for if we sow in the Spirit, SURELY we will reap of the Spirit"

It's like the Lord has this little piggy bank, and we "sow" into it and fill it up by offering up worship, by reading the word, by loving others, by selflessly ministering to the broken and the oppressed, by coming back to the secret place time and time again, when we do and do not feel like it. Penny by penny, prayer by prayer, minute by minute, we are sowing into the spirit. And even though we can't see it getting stored up, the Lord is remembering every time we say "yes" to more of him and "no" to the flesh and the desires that so quickly fade away. We entrust our time, affections, money, and talents to the Lord, saying "no" to cashing in for the immediate worldly lustful pleasures, in hope that sowing daily to the Spirit will, in the end, result in fruit that is eternal.

The Lord deems our little "yes" as wise and worth much. The "yes's" add up. And he doesn't forget one of them. I will reap a harvest for every little choice I made to love him, and what was done in the Secret Place, He will reward me in the open, before all men.

Oh Lord, you are a God of seeing! (Gen. 16:13)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

strength in weakness

This week I have been so overwhelmed with the brokeness in my own life and the lives around me. You start looking at original design, and what everything was supposed to be like, and you realize how much of our lives and actions and ideas are based off of lies from the beginning. You realize how deep the roots are. How addictions, fears, pain... they all have such deeper beginnings than just one day deciding to fear what other people percieve you as. Evreywhere I look, there are broken families, broken hearts, broken relationships. Gender confusion, breakups, sexual addictions, abuse, and the list goes on.

and yet, when I come to the realization of our bareness and brokeness, the Lord comes, he lifts up my head, and I see the cross. And oh, it's so much more beautiful than when I first saw it. Or maybe it's just that I realize our need for it now. Our need for a savior. Maybe the problem in the first place is that we don't allow ourselves to see the reality of humanity. Completely broken and bruised. Hopeless and lost. Feeding off of poison time and time again, just to keep the reality at a great distance.

So I'm realizing the state of our humanity, and starting to feel hopeless, and the Lord gives me a dream.

*Im in a car and a man is driving me in a parking lot. It's raining and very dark and gloomy. He parks the car and gets out. I slowly get out and start walking the way he went. And all of a sudden a man is by my side, and his presence alone is peaceful and understanding. Like he understood the deepest parts of my heart without even talking. And he had his elbow out, as if inviting me to wrap my arm around his. And so I do. And I felt such strength and protection coming from him as we walked together in the rain.

I was then watching him from a distance, and he was around a family, with a little boy in front of him. The boy was bandaged all over, and had many broken bones. He had such a broken body. And the man wailed and bent over, his body bent over and weighed down by the grief of the boys broken body. I just stood and watched, and wondered if they were related. And someone told me it was his brother. And I watched as he mourned, staying close to the broken body.*

And so I woke up and got a revelation of Jesus. How he is more burdened by our brokeness than we are. It breaks his heart to see how far we have fallen from what he originally intended. And so in this dream I felt the strength of his presence as we walked together, and yet also saw how he shares in our weakness and suffering as he cried over the broken body of a little boy. He understands the depths of our pain and suffering. He's so closely aquainted with it. It's so beautiful. And he suffered it so he could rescue us. He beared our sin and brokeness and shame so we could be ressurected with him. So we could hold tightly to hope. A hope to someday be whole. A hope to be completely restored. And even now, he restores our heart, bringing us back to our original identity.

ahhhh. Lord give us a greater revelation of the cross. of your love. of your heart to bring us back to you.

Monday, May 10, 2010

rainbows from Jesus

Last moment Friday I decided to hitch a ride with some friends to Iowa for a graduation at Northwestern College and a Graduation party for our friend Brittney.

On our way up to Iowa, for no reason really, I asked God for a rainbow. Quickly I forgot that I asked, and gazed out the window for a while. Then out of the corner of my eye I started to see a chunk of a rainbow start to form. I laughed and told everyone that I had prayed for it, and we all laughed and watched it. As it dissappeared and we drove further, we saw another piece of a rainbow. and a couple minutes later, another one! and then another! about 15 minutes and 5 partial rainbows. haha it was so amazing. Nick, the guy up front, mentioned that he had never seen a full rainbow. So quietly again, and laughing, I pray for a full rainbow, not believing that we'd have that much favor. And guess what? about 3 minutes later, ANOTHER piece of rainbow catches our eyes, and as they laugh in the front and I scream out of pure delight in the back, we watch it grow before our eyes to be the largest and most complete rainbow I have ever seen in my life. You couldn't catch the whole rainbow in one glance. You had to move your eyes from one side of the sky to the other it was so big, with strong colors.

It's times like these where my heart is just taken back by how God doesn't just do the bare minumum. He loves to lavish his goodness on me until I can't bear it. Far beyond what I deserve or even need. He not only likes to provide for my needs, but he loves to give me the desires of my heart, big and small :) Like just the other day I asked him for a coffee, and someone randomly bought me one the next minute. He LOVES us. He LOVES to give us good gifts. But we have to ASK. And BELIEVE that he will reward those who seek him.

So... Iowa was good. It was a sweet time to just relax and pray with friends from college. It was exciting to run into friends that I haven't seen since last semester there, especially friends that I would pray with all the time for revival on Northwestern's campus. We spent lots of time just sitting in a circle with a guitar and worshiping and praying.

I will be going back to Iowa during my visit home in Sioux Falls for two weeks. I have a wedding this Saturday and my sisters' graduations the last week of May. Pray for God to move while I'm at home.

Friday, May 7, 2010

New seasons! gardens, babies, and deep heart stuff :)

It's now official. I'm full-time staff at the International House of Prayer :) However, these first 3-6 months will be mainly focused on building financial partnerships and becoming fully funded so I can be in full-time ministry here on base. So my schedule will consist of connecting with people and traveling to South Dakota and Iowa.

I also just had my first night of co-leading a Pureheart small group. It was amazing! Pureheart is an inner-healing seminar that goes through the beatitudes, helping people go back to roots of pain that have caused more pain, addictions, and broken relationships. It's such a beautiful process- to watch how the Lord loves to mend the brokenhearted. It is a 7 week program.

This month has also been a big community building season :) We have just planted 5 mini gardens, each box is 16 square feet. Each box has one of our names on it, so it makes it more personal. I planted strawberries, watermelon, bell peppers, jalapenos, rosemary, oregano, and peanuts! I'm suuuuper excited to watch them grow. It's like my own little baby!

and speaking of babies....

Linsey and Mat (I live with them) just had their first baby boy!!! Croy Joshua Lujan. He is a gem! He was born May 4th, so he's experiencing his first week in the big world. It's been so fun watching them become momma and pappa :) It's so beautiful how a baby forms 9 months in the belly, and then it comes out and you get to see what was created with patience and joy by the best Father!

Hmm... what else. Fun facts:
*Our community family has watched Avatar 3 times so far
*I pretty much live at Dun Bros Coffee. It's like my office. I get more accomplished when I have coffee in my hands and free internet.
*I want to have babies. soon. but I think I need to get married first ;)
*I'm going home in a week for my friends wedding! and then to raise finances for full-time ministry.

Pray for:
*trip home that God would raise up financial partners
*this season of less "production" and more "being"... letting the LOrd heal my heart and break all things in my life that hinder his love.
*Some blood work to be done on May 12th.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kansas City woot woot!

(this is an old blog, but i'm going to reuse it :)

__'Tis another Amber Adventure!__
So I just to moved to Kansas City, MO feeling the tug of God to come and cultivate a greater heart of intimacy and intercession. Northwestern College has not been a waste, however, with the calling of Missions on my life, I felt the need to root myself in the word and prayer in an atmosphere that was even more focused, direct, and strategic.

I have plugged into the missions base here called IHOP (International House of Prayer). It was founded in 1999 and has a vision of bringing up a people rooted and grounded in devotion to God and intercession. Out of this, people are sent all over in power to preach the gospel and spread the message of the kingdom of heaven. It matches so well with my own vision and calling, wanting to go to all the nations to share the love of Jesus and the truth of the coming kingdom of heaven and it's reality. I hope to plug in to an internship here (I am finishing applying to Intro to IHOP, which starts in January and goes until March). I know God is faithful and will provide all the finances needed. I am sending out newsletters/support info. so if you want one, let me know!

So I've been here for 2 weeks already! I am already learning a lot by being in a position of waiting. I have no job. I'm not in school anymore. I have no schedule. I have almost no community here yet (it's growing ;). My identity in God is being shaken to the core. It is probably the sweetest and yet hardest thing to go through. Community at Northwestern College was amazing. And now I am in the middle of Kansas City, starting fresh. You know the perfect life, with hours upon hours to read the word and to pray and to love others and to catch up on things that you always have wanted to do? Well I have that time now, and it is STILL hard. The first week I ended up not doing important things until later on at night, and then ended up staying up super late. My schedule is now so messed up, that my bedtime has become about 4 am and my morning starts around 1pm. I've been spending a couple of hours daily in the prayer room, and then lots of time writing update/support letters, and getting everything lined up here.

__Renewal/Healing Services :) __
And then there are the renewal services that started just a couple days after I arrived. The Holy Spirit started moving in a crazy way among the IHOP students here, and has resulted in special services Wednesday thru Sunday night from 6pm to midnight. These services consist of worship, inner-healing, and physical healings. It has been so good. People have been set free from self-hatred, addictions, lonliness, depression, suicide, headaches, back pain, asthma, infertility!, gall bladder stones, and other crazy stuff. These meetings will be going on until atleast Dec. 20th, and then will probably continue after the OneThing conference in January. For more info on IHOP, visit www.ihop.org. Lot's of good info there!

__Abba Time__
Jesus is so good. haha :) I love it. There is so much joy in complete surrender. Following the perfect leader. The one that knows me more than I know myself. He knows my passions and desires. and he knows how to perfectly equip me before moving me to the next season. I keep reading the last two chapters of Revelations. It gives me such fire in my heart to know where all of this (the world and all of it's decay and dissapointments) is going. There is victory at the end!!! And sometimes we need to switch our perspectives to an eternal one.

Revelations 21:3-5 (I flipped to that page so quickly cuz I just bought some crazy sweet bible tabs from walmart, one for each book of the bible with a little fishy and some waves on each one... they're the kids version of bible tabs. yay!)

"Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away evry tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new!"

wow...pushing through trials and tribulations are worth it! God will dwell WITH us. All the shortcomings of this world are just a flicker. the wealth is but grass that withers. but He is coming back and his reward is with him. It will all be worth it. every time we said "yes" to more of him, and "no" to the fleeting pleasures of this world. What a crazy hope we have.

To Financially support or Contact:
Amber Taylor
4206 E. 104th St.
Kansas City, MO 64137

Saturday, July 4, 2009

a breath of Beauty.

Have you ever seen something so beautiful and exhilerating that it makes you want to cry in delight? This week we went with a team from Orange City (yes, it blows my mind that orange citian people find their way out to here, Croc, Mexico!), and we went to Mantecanas... probably the most lovely of lovliest places I have been to. To be honest, I had been tired already the first day (tuesday) the team had arrived. I snuck little naps in before and after VBS, and prayed for the week to go fast. When the group of 8 dutch people from OC announced they were going to go do the river hike up Montecanas, I knew that that would put me over my limit and probably be anything but enjoyable.

I was wrong.

So, this place called montecanas... take a 2 hour drive from Croc all the way through Monterrey, the beautiful city life all around you, and then, as the business slowly dwindles and bumpy roads become bumpier (there are no smooth roads in MX), you start to twist and curve and bump and slide down and up the mountains. A river starts to grow on the side, promising an adventure that is soon to come later on ;) Finally we arive to the base, where we get out and start to hike up the river. This includes rock climbing, skipping around on rocks, and full immersion in the water at times when the paths dissapear. after 2 hours of hiking and swiming and climbing up waterfalls, the rocks dissapear and the river gets deep. It is then swimming up curent and climbing up more waterfalls. 3 hours into it, you come to the most beautiful thing ive seen. A cave; the river running through it and reaching its deepest parts. It's a long cave, so it gets dark and you can't see or touch the bottom. water drips from the top. the temperature drops. I don't think i've ever been so cold in Mexico. and so you make your way through the cave, until you get to another waterfall, climb up it, and then climb up ANOTHEr huge waterfall, and then get to the part where i couldn't get up. Sorry, but my arms can not pull me up this 20 foot waterfall. But it was all so beautiful. Im sure I saw hundreds of butterflies, tadpoles, frogs, and lizards. The water became such a wonderful turquoise the deeper it got on the way up. AHHH... and to think we might return next week because we have the week off :)

So yes, our time spent with the team from the OC was fun and in the end, refreshing. although my body is sore, and i have realized i have muscles that I never knew I had!

And now we get the whole weeek off. I'm very tired, so it's good. We will most likely go up into the mountains, where it is cooler and we can stop sweating for a bit. Sounds energizing already! But really, all has been well. Again, God is steady, and always sends spiritual rain when neeeded. I only have 4 more weeks here, and know i will miss it greatly. My relationships with the locals are becoming so wonderful and beautiful. Not only is my spanish growing, but my love for the people here. I'm seeing that relationships are the main vessels to impact a person. My question to the Holy Spirit is how can I let him lead me more in my conversations and time spent here. I want to bear much fruit.

Thanks for your faithful prayers. They are ever so needed! PLease continue to pray:

~week of rest (i need this so much. we are all pretty tired from the teams, the heat, and energy spent on relationships.)
~ upcoming team of 40 people! that they would be free to "flex and flow" (most famous quote here in Mx)
~ that I would learn what it means to be in FULL comunion with the Holy Spirit, and to let him guide me.

I love you all! I'm expecting to go on coffee dates with all of you after the summer, so make sure to remember all of the amazing and beautiful things of your summer and how God stretched and changed and challenged you :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


We are finally on outreach! Saturday at 5am, 3 staff and us 5 girl students left for Durango. It has been a crazy start for this outreach phase, but so much fun. We arrived to our home (a sort of camp place/bible school institute out of the town). It´s only been 4 days, but so much has gone on. From shower water that smells like rotten egg, to getting locked out of our dorms, from cleaning windows to fiestas! ... ahh, the life. haha!

Oh, but God has been working big things in my life through just the first part of the trip. I can see already prayers being answered from when we had intercession in lecture phase. In our prayer meetings for outreach, we would always pray for energy, and every day so far I have been energized and renewed through the word of God and just loving people. I´ve been learning that the only way you can enjoy an outreach is by living out Colossians 3 vs. 23 : Whatever you do, do it with ALL of your heart, as working for the LORD, not for men. I´m so used to going into something, just seeing the goal. Get it done. But now my desire is different... To impact people through love. To encourage the faithful, and embrace the lost. It makes so much of a difference, and brings so much joy and satisfaction after each day!

And I am so excited for tonight :) The kids at the christian school that we are working at are doing a christmas program, and are going to sing a bunch of christmas carols in English! They are so cute!